A new organic culture for a new generation of consumers.
Better informed, more aware and more responsible.
This is our commitment for the future and the most important challenge into which our company is putting all of its energy.
As top supplier of organic products to many nurseries and school kitchens, we are devoted to promoting healthy eating right from the early years in order to make people aware of making choices that put authenticity, ingredients from dedicated geographical areas, complete product traceability and natural good taste first.
The saying ‘we are what we eat’ sums us up best and expresses our commitment to our children and our planet.
A commitment whose guarantee of integrity lies in winning numerous contracts with Italian public administration across North Eastern Italy and our Fair Trade retail presence for a fairer global market.
"We are what we eat"
Healthy eating is subject to a few basic rules that consumers need to remember when they are buying food and must pass on to their children as a prime value which belongs to the entire community.
Our aim is to promote them in every way via awareness raising campaigns, specific communication projects in partnership with schools and top restaurateurs and via constantly updated information about the nutritional features and beneficial properties of fruit and vegetables, produced using good organic farming practices, in order to protect the planet and a better quality of life.
1) Only buy authentic foods
Choose products that come from environmentally compatible practices (organic farming), based on territorialisation and promotion of biodiversity in order to protect the relationship with Italian historical, cultural and gastronomic traditions.
2) Respect the seasonality of fruit and vegetables
Choosing only seasonal fruit and veg means respecting the cycles of nature, following its rhythms in order to give our body the nutrients it needs month after month while enjoying truly authentic taste, free from additives used for conservation.
3) Learn to recognise local products
Learning to recognise typical traditional products with protected geographical origin means recognising products made in delimited areas and subjected to certain control regimes over the origins of their ingredients and production methods.
4) Read labels carefully
Making healthy food choices also involves reading product labels because they tell you about origin, presence of GMOs and other indispensable information for buying responsibly. All organic product labels must explicitly mention EEC Regulation No. 2092/1991.